Monday, November 26, 2012

I don't get the republican party as it is now

The white House 1846
    I don't get the republican party as it is now. When I 1st started learning about politics I decided that I wanted very little government interference in peoples daily life or what they want to do with there lives so I became a republican which was the party for small government and little to no interference in a persons life. But some where along the way the party seems to have been pulled into crap that they were never really about IE abortion, religion, gay marriage and a ton of other crap that true republicans wouldn't care about ever. If the people in dc that say they are republican were really they would tell the media what I am about to say and yes I know there are going to be people who will say this isn't what they think of as republican " Gays its your life we don't care what you do its not the governments place to tell its people what is and isn't a marriage, pro-abortion and anti-abortion groups please just leave people alone if you don't want an abortion then don't have one if you do good for you just don't make me pay for it if you want to have sex then pay the price for your actions in case of rape or incest yes I will pay for that but the scumbag that is responsible should pay the government back with work in a jail or mine or some other work program, finally religion its fine if you feel a particular way about something but you have no right to force others to feel the same or think the way you do about things and its not the governments job to push any religious or moral beliefs on the people of the USA that kinda thing is A PERSONAL CHOICE and has no part in politics." 

    Now for the media and other groups that want to drag the republicans into talks bout these issues I have just addressed please for the sake of my sanity please just repeat what i just said. If something should come up that I haven't covered ask yourself this simple question if someone told you that it was the law and you had to how would you feel about it take reasonable thought of others and the effect this law has on you and others if it messes up the way things are in a bad way or cost way too much or maybe forces a large group of people to change there life dramatically then it shouldn't be a law or if it should the people should have to vote it in to place as a hole not just the people in dc everyone! As for taxes EVERYONE SHOULD PAY TAXES if not in cash then in service to the government in a food pantry or some other way this is only fair if you want to be part of the USA and take part in her many public programs then give something back I have seen many differing figures about people and taxes and I was shocked to see between 1/4 to 1/2 of the people dint pay taxes that is just foolishness if these people paid taxes or helped out in some way we wouldn't have these problems we are having today it wouldn't hurt to cut some spending down say 500 billion or so but that is easy when you cut down on the size of federal government and the restrictions it puts up us all. Ok I said it so tell me I am an idiot or just naive because this is truly how I feel but just remember I think the world is what you make of it or let other make it but regardless of which it is you have to live there so its better to live and let live when you can. 

    Thanks for reading this please I welcome your thoughts about this as always but please read my home aka first post before you leave your comments and no trolls please!

In the beginning

I was trying to think of something pithy to say to open this blog but I couldn't think of anything so i will skip to a little about me. I am a 29 year old single male with too much time on his hands and way too much going on up top to be normal for a single male, And so I have Decided to post some of my many ideas and thoughts of the world around me. This may cover topics as far ranging as politics to fishing so if you have a differing thought on something here please say so if something I post makes you mad too bad these are my thoughts and unless you can come up with a good reason I should rethink them then go else where I didn't force you to come here so don't force me to listen to your views go make your own blog and be respectful of my right to express my self as I see fit in my blog. As for the pic above it was taken by me at a park outside St. Louis and while it has nothing to do with anything I have talked about so far today it is a nice pic and I wanted to see how the pics would work in this blog site.

Thanks for reading my first post it will shortly be fallowed by another!