Tuesday, January 8, 2013

 Debt & Taxing then and now

              Just remember 90+% of the us media are democrats and that neither the democrat lead Senate or the white house have passed a budget in over 3 years yet feel that they need to raise the debt ceiling yet it is all the republicans fault .....and last year it was all bush's fault... nothing about Clintons pushing cheap loans with the help of freddie mac and fannie mae which killed the housing market when people who should have never been given loans that they could never pay off. which in turn cause that debt to land on the banks that bought up the loans which had government backing but when the poop hit the per verbal fan uncle Sam had no money and the banks which we all thought are to big to fail did and and again they came to uncle Sam but this time they had a president in office that was more than willing to bail them out and blame the republicans cause heck as far as the media is concerned he can do no wrong so it must be the evil republicans with there smog, cutting down the rainforest and telling people there is no global warming (I have looked into this and you know what many of the people talking about this are that same that were telling us in the 80's about over population and the coming ice age brought on by our green house gas out put) But heck why face the facts now after all according to my math if they raise the debt ceiling we will have are credit down graded again but that is not the really bad part by the end of the 2nd quarter we have reached the debt ceiling again at which point 68 cents of every dollar will be borrowed from places like china. At what point do they just stop loaning us money......that doesn't even bring into the mess of how they are printing more and more money and trying to keep the inflation rate down QE like many governments tried until the great depression kicked them into the real world is that what we need? I hope not because if that happens we will no longer be a world power we no longer have what it takes to live through that kind of thing. when we entered the last depression are government wasn't a 10th of the size it is now and we didn't even have ebt food stamps and things of that nature so what do you think will happen to the people on such programs? I don't know! O and before you start talking about the "new deal" you should look up the math and other facts you will find that it lead to prolonging the problem not fixing the problem. That being said all the people saying we should cut back our military spending to what it was in the 80's or 90's fine but if you want to do that then cut back our other spending in to that time as well after all you can't just look at one part of the spending in any given year and say “hay it worked then” without looking at the total budget to get a good view of the real issue. Our spending and income is currently way out of whack we are spending almost two times what we are taking in. We need to live with in our means!
Again thanks for reading and please leave me your comments.