Hey Bob thought you might like to know guns don't kill people anymore than a
stone or tree does. This was the actions of one person and his alone
and you can't protect anyone from themselves if he had driven his car
into a river would people be talking about putting a ban on water?
No. Most of the people that want tougher gun laws are reacting out of
fear which is a base emotion and should be tempered with logic but in
this case it seems way too many people have forgotten ten this bit of
common scene and have let their emotions get the better of them. Yes
this is a sad set of events but it isn't the fault of an inanimate
object. The fault falls on the person who made the choice and took
the actions that lead to this event. It is called personal
responsibility and it is something that America has been running from
for the past 20 years so in the words of one of my favorite movies
"Its time to nut up or shut up"
As always thanks for reading
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